Links to External Resources

The Gjenvick-Gjønvik Archives offers links to websites offering related content to help the collectors, genealogists, researches and others find the best sources for information. We review these resources prior to adding them to our list of external resources.

Know an Excellent Resource - Tell Us About It!

If you found a great site related to genealogy, including immigration, genealogy, history, ocean travel, vintage fashions, WPA, or the military, let us know about it. Email us at [email protected] and include a screenshot of the home page, what general category they belong under (We will create topic headings as needed).

Also, include a brief 100-250 word summary of what makes this site an excellent resource for genealogists. Submissions subject to editing for spelling and grammar.

You can also request a tagline like " submitted by [Your Name, City, Country]."

Submissions are as easy as 1-2-3

  1. Take a screenshot of the homepage (or main page of a category of a website, for instance, passenger lists information for the National Archives)
  2. Write a brief summary of what makes this an excellent resource and the topic category (it can be uncategorized if it doesn't fit neatly into a specific topic).
  3. Email us at [email protected] with the Subject "External Resource Submission."



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