Latest Street Costumes From Paris - November 1912

A Charming Evening Gown, White Satin Embroidered in Black Velvet.

A Charming Evening Gown, White Satin Embroidered in Black Velvet. the Black Chiffon Tunic Is Edged With White Marabou and Enhanced by the Belt of Green Satin and Silver (No Patterns Are Sold for This Model). Good Housekeeping Magazine, November 1912. GGA Image ID # 16499150f5

Dear Mr. Editor:

The gilding of the leaves and the sharp, fresh indescribable “something” in the air which one instinctively senses as autumn, is bringing back from the shore and mountains “La Parisienne,” who is again taking her morning airing in Le Bois, looking as adorable and chic as ever in the smartest of smart little-tailored suits.

In my opinion, the narrow, tight skirt will prevail for the tailored costume on the street. The more ample skirts may obtain for evening dresses. I say “ may,” as the happy little Parisienne,  has ground down her street gown to such a fine point of perfection for showing her every line and movement and for neatness and smartness, that it will be a far cry before she abandons it for the more frivolous swirl of a large skirt; which, certainly I will admit, is more alluring to the “masses” of stout and ungraceful women, than these perfectly plain, almost boyish little costumes.

But “Fashion” is set by the young, and the graceful, and the slim, and no thought whatever is given to those “others.” They must make use of their own common sense, not to be in the height of fashion, or must adapt it to their particular size and shape.

I am sending to you some photographs that show the exact “look” and shape of the smart little women I saw yesterday getting their morning breath of fresh air in their favorite walk on the  “Accacias,” where they regularly go every morning from ten until eleven.

There is very little change in the “outline” from the summer mode. Panniers and draped effects are still the “note,”  but I predict that the rage here for all that is Eastern—since the wonderful “Arabian Nights” entertainment given in June by several women of le monde chic-will surely make itself felt, and will significantly influence all the autumn fashions;  and most of all, in the tea gowns and evening dresses.

A Dainty Evening Gown From Lucile.

A Dainty Evening Gown From Lucile. the Top Part of the Skirt Is White Crepe de Chine With the Bottom Part of Satin. the Material Is Manufactured in This Way and Is Not Joined. It Is Draped up To the Left Side, the Drapings Held at the Waist by a Broad Sash of Pale Egg-Blue Satin Tied in a Large Bow. One Side of the Corsage Is Fine Lace Edged With Satin and the Other Side Is Crepe de Chine. Good Housekeeping Magazine, November 1912. GGA Image ID # 1649b0153e

Stunning Street Costumes From Lucile. A Handsome Reception Costume From Lucile.

Stunning Street Costume From Lucile. A Handsome Reception Costume From Lucile. Good Housekeeping Magazine, November 1912. GGA Image ID # 1649ca9754

(Left) Stunning Street Costume from Lucile. This costume of pale Chinese yellow cloth is becoming only to a slender figure. It is outlined with moleskin fur and lined with faded periwinkle blue. The sash, which is the particularly novel feature of the gown, is of old Venetian brocade  embroidered in silver, orange and brown leaves. One edge is bordered with dull periwinkle velvet and the other side with Venetian red.

The blouse is of cobwebby lace which shows slightly over the belt in front. The stockings and shoes match the dress in shade, while the gloves are the color of the old lace.

The hat of pale gray panne velvet is lined with Periwinkle blue and bound with black.

The aigrette is a new shade of dull purple. The enormous old-fashioned muff is of periwinkle velvet with moleskin

(Right) A Handsome Reception Costume From Lucile. This afternoon costume in dark blue and green striped velvet shows a curious manipulation of the stripes. The ornaments in the front of the corsage, and at the side of the tunic are made of black braid with tones of the darkest blue shaded to pale green silk.

The collar and cuffs are of old embroidered cambrie. The bright blue felt hat is bound with black satin ribbon and trimmed with a pompon of shaded dark blue to green cut feathers.

With this costume are worn shoes and gloves of the palest gray suede. The large muff is of skunk.

Lady Duff Gordon ("Lucile"), "'The Latest' from Paris: The Chic Parisienne, Always Youthful in Her Street Costumes," Her Wardrobe: A Monthly Department of Fashions and Patterns, in Good Housekeeping Magazine, New York, Vol. LV, No. 5, Whole No. 499, pp. 654-656.

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