The GG Archives In The News


The GG Archives In The News - Diplomatic History & Internet Genealogy


We have successfully tackled the challenge of building a genealogy website that caters to a broad audience with limited resources. Our main goal is to offer our visitors free historical materials and ephemera, and we have made significant progress towards that end. Although we may not be as comprehensive as more prominent players like, our site's rich collection of ephemeral materials has gained considerable recognition and success.

We have compiled a list of articles written by individuals who have discovered the vast amount of information at the GG Archives that could be incorporated into family histories. These articles cover topics such as the Great Depression, Gems of the GG Archives, Transatlantic Travel by College Students during the 1920s, Maritime Travels of Immigrant Ancestors, Gjenvick-Gjønvik Archives' Page on Wikipedia, and other references on the web.


Front Cover, Internet Genealogy Magazine, February/March 2021 Issue

Front Cover, Internet Genealogy Magazine, February/March 2021 Issue, Looking Back at the WPA - March 2021. GGA Image ID # 217b0ba0ca


Sue Lisk has written a detailed article in the February/March 2021 issue of Internet Genealogy, Volume 15, Number 6, pages 40-42. In the article, she reviews various websites and collections related to the New Deal agency, a massive initiative to provide valuable work to Americans during the Great Depression.

The Gjenvick-Gjønvik Archives, one of the collections reviewed, offers a wealth of information on the New Deal agency, including photographs, letters, and other documents that shed light on the agency's impact. Sue Lisk's article is a must-read for anyone interested in learning more about this pivotal era in American history.


Front Cover, Internet Genealogy Magazine, December/January 2018 Issue, "Net Notes."

Front Cover, Internet Genealogy Magazine, December/January 2018 Issue, "Net Notes." GGA Image ID # 217b47d3b8


In the December/January 2018 issue of Internet Genealogy, which is Volume 12, Number 5, there is an article on page 50 that delves into the Founders Online and Gjenvick-Gjønvik Archives websites. Authored by Diane L. Richard, this article is a comprehensive review of these websites that provide a wealth of interesting news and information related to genealogy.

The article covers various aspects of these websites, highlighting their key features and benefits for those who are interested in genealogy and family history research. Overall, the article is an informative read for anyone looking to explore these specific resources and learn more about genealogy in general.


Front Cover, Internet Genealogy: Your Guide to Online Research, "Our Ancestors at Sea," October/November 2019.

Front Cover, Internet Genealogy: Your Guide to Online Research, "Our Ancestors at Sea," October/November 2019. GGA Image ID # 217b577aa7


If you are interested in exploring the maritime travels of your immigrant ancestors, you might find Sue Lisk's selection of four websites quite helpful. One of the recommended websites is the GG Archives, which can provide you with a wealth of information on passenger lists, ship photographs, and other relevant resources.

If you would like to learn more about these websites, you can check out the article in Internet Genealogy, Vol. 14, No. 4, October/November 2019, pp. 42-45. This article delves into the details of each website, explaining how they can help you uncover the stories of your ancestors' journeys across the sea.


Front Cover, Diplomatic History, , Volume 43, Issue 1, January 2019. Commercial Travel and College Culture: The 1920s Transatlantic Student Market and the Foundations of Mass Tourism.

Front Cover, Diplomatic History, , Volume 43, Issue 1, January 2019. Commercial Travel and College Culture: The 1920s Transatlantic Student Market and the Foundations of Mass Tourism. GGA Image ID # 217b4ebb32


In a fascinating article published in the January 2019 issue of Diplomatic History, author Tamson Pietsch delves into the world of transatlantic travel for college students during the 1920s. Specifically, Pietsch explores the history and legacy of the Student Third Class Association (STCA).

This organization was critical in facilitating affordable and safe student travel during this era. Drawing on research and materials from the GG Archives, Pietsch provides a detailed and insightful account of the STCA's origins, operations, and impact. To read the full article and learn more about this fascinating piece of history, check out the link at


Gjenvick-Gjønvik Archives' Page on Wikipedia

Gjenvick-Gjønvik Archives' Page on Wikipedia ( GGA Image ID # 159363636f


The Gjenvick-Gjønvik Archives is a comprehensive and extensive collection of historical documents that covers various topics such as genealogy, military records, and other vital historical records. The archive houses an impressive collection of documents that date back to the mid-1800s and span up to the year 2000. With its vast collection, the Gjenvick-Gjønvik Archives is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in exploring and researching various aspects of history. The archive offers a unique glimpse into the past and provides an opportunity to learn about the events and people that have shaped our world over the years.


Last Updated: May 2024


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