Secondary Source Materials


While the Gjenvick-Gjønvik Archives primarily focus on primary source materials, they also provide access to a range of secondary sources that complement and contextualize the primary materials. What they lack in the immediacy of a primary record is that they often contain information that has been analyzed or interpreted, usually based on primary sources.


Some of the secondary sources available in the archives include:

Historical Books and Publications: books, journals, and periodicals related to maritime history, immigration, military history, and other topics covered in the primary source materials.

Academic Journals: Scholarly journals in the Gjenvick-Gjønvik Archives are a treasure trove of articles and research papers on historical subjects. These sources provide not just information, but in-depth analysis and interpretation of historical events and trends, enriching your understanding and stimulating your intellectual curiosity.

Newspapers and Periodicals: Copies of newspapers, magazines, and periodicals from different periods, offering insights into contemporary events, opinions, and social issues.

Online Exhibits: online exhibits and curated collections that provide context and background information on specific topics, events, or collections within the archives.

Digital Archives: The Gjenvick-Gjønvik Archives offer access to a diverse range of digitized archival collections from other institutions. This wealth of secondary sources allows you to explore and find additional materials related to your research interests, ensuring your needs are met comprehensively.

Reference Materials and Bibliographies: Reference guides, bibliographies, and research aids that help users locate relevant secondary sources and navigate the archives' collections effectively. These tools are designed to make your research journey as smooth as possible, ensuring you can access the secondary sources you need with ease.

While the primary focus of the Gjenvick-Gjønvik Archives is on primary source materials, the inclusion of secondary sources significantly enriches the research experience. These sources provide users with additional context, analysis, and interpretation of historical topics and events, enhancing the depth and value of your research.


Last Updated: May 2024


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